Supervisors--Ph.D Supervisors  
Multimedia and Intelligent Computing  
Keyang Cheng
Name Keyang Cheng
Title Professor
Research Interests Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Image Processing
E-mail kycheng@noujcf.com
Curriculum Vitae
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, P.R.China, 2010-2015
Ph.D in Computer Sciences & Technology , 2015, Area of pattern recognition
Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, P.R.China, 1999-2008
M.S. in Computer Sciences & Technology, 2008
B.A. in Computer Sciences & Technology,2003
Associate professor, Jiangsu University, 2014-
Research Assistant, Jiangsu University, 2003-2013
Postdoctor, University of Warwick, UK, 2016
Visiting scholar, Brunel University,UK, Research on pattern recognition with distributed computing, 2015
Teaching Achievements
Computer vision algorithms and applications
Theory of computation
Discrete mathematics
Artificial intelligence
Introduction to computers
Algorithm design and analysis
ZHAN Yong-zhao, MAO Qirong, LIN Qing, CHENG Ke-yang.
“Emotion Recognition from Video and Speech”.
Science Press.Beijing.2013.
Research Achievements      
[1] Cheng, K., Tao, F., Zhan, Y. et al. Hierarchical attributes learning for pedestrian re-identification via parallel stochastic gradient descent combined with momentum correction and adaptive learning rate. Neural Computing and Applications (2019). (SCI,EI)
[2]Keyang Cheng, Muhammad Saddam Khokhar,Yunbo Rao, Rabia Tahir.Multi-Camera Background and Scene Activity Modelling based on Spearman Correlation Analysis and Inception-V3 Network. IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE2019).(CCF A)
[3] Keyang Cheng, Fei Tao, Yongzhao Zhan. A Stochastic Parallel Gradient Descent Algorithm for Person Re-identification. IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP 2018). (EI)
[4] Cheng K, Xu F, Tao F, et al. Data driven pedestrian re-dentification based on hierarchical semantic representation[J]. Concurrency & Computation Practice & Experience, 2018,30(23). (SCI, EI)
[5] Huanzhou Zhu, Zhuoer Gu, Haiming Zhao, Keyang Cheng, Chang-Tsun Li, and Ligang He. Developing a Pattern Discovery Method in Time Series Data and Its GPU Acceleration[J]. Big Data Mining and Analytics. 2018 ,1(4):266–283. (EI)
[6]Cheng K, Hui K, Zhan Y, et al. Sparse representations based distributed attribute learning for person re-identification[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017:1-23.(SCI, EI)
[7]Keyang Cheng, Yongzhao Zhan, Man Qi. AL-DDCNN : A Distributed Crossing Semantic Gap learning for Person Re-identification.Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience .2016.(SCI,EI)
[8]Cheng K, Hui K, Zhan Y, et al. A novel improved ViBe algorithm to accelerate the ghost suppression. Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), 2016 12th International Conference on. IEEE, 2016: 1692-1698.(EI)
[9] Zhang Jianming, Zhan Zhicai, Cheng Keyang, Zhan Yongzhao. Review on Deep Learning Development. Journal of Jiangsu University(Natural Science Edition) .Vol.36 No.2, Nov., 2015.
[10] Cheng Keyang, Tan Xiaoyang. Sparse Representations based Attribute Learning for Flower Classification. Neurocomputing. Vol. 145, No.5, Dec. 2014.(SCI,EI)
[11]Cheng Keyang, Mao Qirong, and Zhan Yongzhao. Pedestrian Detection based on Sparse and Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition. TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering. Vol.12, No.2, February 2014. (EI)
[12]LIN Wu-xu, CHENG Ke-yang, ZHANG Jian-ming. Research on Image Classification Based on Attribute Learning. Computer Science. Vol.41,No.5.May 2014.
[13]Keyang Cheng, Qirong Mao, Yongzhao Zhan.Pedestrian Detection Based on Kernel Discriminative Sparse Representation. Transactions on Edutainment. Vol.6, No.1, January 2013.(EI)
[14] Zhan Yongzhao, Zhang Shanshan, Cheng Keyang. Video Semantics Analysis based on Nonlinear Identifiable Sparse Representation. Journal of Jiangsu University(Natural Science Edition) .Vol.34, No.6, Nov., 2013.
[15]Keyang Cheng, Junxian Bao. A New Algorithm for Pedestrian Detection. Information and Computer Applications. Vol.24, No.2, February, 2012.(EI)
[16]Jiangming Zhang, Mingkun Du, Keyang Cheng. Pedestrian Detection Based On Efficient Fused Lasso Algorithm. In Proc. Of 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP 2012). Chongqing, Oct. 16th-18th,2012.(EI)
[17]CHEN Jun-xia,SONG Shun-lin,CHENG Ke-yang. Backoff Algorithm of 802.11 Contention Window Based on Change Rate.Vol38,No17,2012.
[18]Keyang Cheng, Qirong Mao, Yongzhao Zhan.Pedestrian Detection based on Kernel Discriminative Sparse Representation. Transactions on Edutainment 2011.(EI)
[19] HE Nian. ZHAN Yongzhao, CHENG Keyang, Humanoid Feature Reduction Based on the Arithmetic Average Granularity Computing. Computer Engineering.2011
[20]CHEN Bo, ZHAN Yongzhao,CHENG Keyang.Video shoot classification based on Sparse Representation of dictionary optimized. Application Research of Computers. 2011
[21]Keyang Cheng, Qirong Mao, Yongzhao Zhan. A Novel Sparse Learning Method: Compressible Bayesian Elastic Net Model. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Vol.137, No.7, July, 2011.(EI)
[22]Zhan Y Z,Cheng K Y,  Chen Y B, Wen C J. A New Classifier for Facial Expression Recognition: Fuzzy Buried Markov Model. Journal of Computer Science and Technology. Vol.25, No.4, May, 2010. (SCI,EI)
[23]SUN Hao, CHENG Ke-yang, CHEN Chang-jun, ZHAN Yong-zhao. Research on the Method of Hierachical Human Face Identification for the Image with Identity. Microcomputer Information. 2010
[24]Keyang CHENG,Yabi CHEN,Yongzhao ZHAN. A New Approach for Expression Recognition Based on Burial Markov. In Proc. Of FSKD 2008,10.(EI)
[25]CHENG Ke-yang, WEN Chuan-jun, ZHAN Yong-zhao. Research on Fuzzy Buried Markov Model. Computer Science. 2008
[26]CHENG Ke-yang. Research on the System of Network Games Enthrallment Prevention based on Agent Technology. Computer Applications and Software. 2008
[27]CHENG Ke-yang. Research of Intrusion Detection based on Fuzzy Window Hidden Markov Model. Journal of Computer Applications.2007
[28]CHENG Ke-yang. Study of Designing Employment Information System of University Graduate Based on J2EE. Application Research of Computers.2005.
[29]CHENG Ke-yang. Research of Intrusion Detection based on Set Pair Analysis (SPA). In Proc. Of CIAC 2005,07.(EI)
[30] CHENG Ke-yang. Research in Fuzzy Logic and Reasoning Method on Set Pair Analysis. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2004.
[31]CHENG Ke-yang. Founding a Software Quality Estimation System based on the Set Pair Analysis. Computer Applications and Software. Vol3, No.24, 2004.
[32]XING Gui-fen; CHENG Ke-yang. Founding of a software quality estimation system based on set pair analysis. Journal of Jiangsu University(Natural Science Edition) .Vol 1, No.25, 2004.
[33] CHENG Ke-yang. A fingerprint identification system based on Set Pair Analysis (SPA). Journal of system simulation.vol9,No.15,2013.
[1] Natural Science Foundation of China(NFSC) No. 61972183,” Research on Explainable Deep Neural Network for Urban Visual Perception Analysis”,2020-2023
[2] Natural Science Foundation of China(NFSC) No.61602215, “Topological Reasoning of Multi-cameras and Pedestrians Re-identification based on the Data Driven and Semantic Modeling ”, 2017-2019
[3] Natural science foundation of Jiangsu province No.BK20150527, “Large Data Driven Pedestrian recognition based on Deep Learning and Semantic Modeling”, 2015-2018
[4] Science and Technology Planning Project of City Zhenjiang No. SH2014017, “Research on Pedestrian Detection under Complex Background”, 2014-2016
[5] National science foundation of China (NFSC) No 61203246, “Research on Object Feature Extraction in Vehicle Behavior Understanding”, 2012-2014
[6] National science foundation of China (NFSC) No.61003183, “Research on Structured Prediction Model of Hierarchical Face Deformable under Difficult Light”, 2011-2013
[7] Funding of Jiangsu Innovation Program for Graduate Education (CXZZ11_0216), “Structure Output Sparse Representation and its Application”, 2011-2013
[8] Provincial universities natural science foundation of Jiangsu province(11KJD520004) ,“Pedestrian Detection and Behavior Analysis”, 2010-2012
[9] Natural science foundation of Jiangsu province No.BK2009199, “Perceptual Processing Technology for Remote Collaboration System”, 2008-2010
[10] National science foundation of China (NFSC) No.61003183, “Emotion Recognition based on the Dynamic Graph Model”, 2006-2008
Jiangsu science and technology award
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